Did you know....

The average person spends 6 months of their life sitting at red lights. I like this fact actually, because I hate sitting at red lights. I get super annoyed, and now I have good reason, the fucking thing is sucking the life out of me!! (uselessfacts.net)
Men can read smaller print than women, women can hear better. I'm really not sure about the reading part, but the hearing part, I call BULLSHIT, I think they are just better at tuning out women and children. (dbmproaudio.com/facts.html)
Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously. Holy shit, who would have thought, make sure you let your friends know to never to do this. Also, how the hell did they find out this fact? Are there scientist just injecting people or animals with random spices? (dbmproaudio.com/facts.html)
If you mouth the word "colorful" to someone, it looks like you're saying "I love you." I didn't know that about the word "colorful" I did know about "olive juice." I wonder how many more look like "I love you?" Do you think my daughter will think it's fun if I ask her to sit down with me while I move my mouth saying random shit and she can tell me what she thinks I'm saying? Actually, she probably would, but now it sounds boring. Although, what words could look like "fuck you" with out saying fuck you? Hmm.. (thechive.com)
When a person cries and the first drop of tears come from the right eye, it's happiness, when it's from the left, it's pain. I find this kind of cool. I had no idea and I will definitely be testing this theory out.
Now, how will I remember this, with out screwing up which eye meant what? (thechive.com)

Vanilla comes from the Latin word "vagina." Umm.. really! That's kind of gross. Now, every time I eat anything with vanilla, I will think of this and since my brain likes to picture everything, I will see vagina. Damn you people with this fact!

Casey Kasem is the voice of Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. I knew he was Shaggy's voice but I didn't know it was Scooby's voice too. If any of you are reading this wondering who Casey Kasem is.. SCREW YOU! For making me feel old.

Most lipstick contains fish scales. Interesting, I like to make fun of my last name and call myself "Fish lips." But, now it has a whole new meaning. (http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~kelmar/story3.htm)
That some people can't keep their feet flat on the floor while pooping. How did I know that? Well, I actually thought about that a long time ago and I took a poll and they would report back to me after they did their business to let me know if they could poop with their feet flat on the floor. I have no numbers to support this useless information, just know that I giggled every time someone said the word "poop." The only thing that sucks about sharing this information that you will probably be thinking of me the next time you're on the pot! (this one is mine)
So, did you learn anything from this useless information? I did. Not that I will remember any of them tomorrow. Actually, I forgot a few already.
Thanks for reading,