Well, it's been a week since we moved from my home town. The day we moved my sister, her daughters, Chris' sister came over to help us load up the truck. It was a nice day, until we slammed the Uhaul door closed, then the tears started to flow. I really didn't think I would be upset when I left. But, when I saw my sister cry (which she doesn't do often) I broke down. What I really got me was leaving my nieces, I was there for both of their births and have been a huge part of my life. I always told Chris that I would never leave my hometown while my Mom was still alive. The last couple years of her life, she lived with me and my family. She did pass away October 2011.

So, we said our goodbyes, Chris and Emilie rode in the Uhaul and Andrew and I rode in our truck.
I decided to call my friend Shirley and tell her that we were on our way out of town. She didn't answer and I started to leave a voice mail. All of a sudden it hit me and I could no longer understand what the hell I was saying. I was so upset I cursed and hung up the phone.

Two and a half hours later, we arrive in Palm Bay. I looked around nervous that I know I'm going to get lost so easy in this place. The first thing I noticed was palm trees everywhere... I grew up with palm trees in my yard so of course they are no big thing to me. But, they look so cheesy and touristy.
Until we can save up enough money with Chris' new job, we will be staying with my friend Kyley and her family. It's not easy living with another family, not really having your own space. But, I am very grateful that they are so welcoming to invite us into their home.

A couple days after we arrived, my son who is 3.. whined to me that he wants to go home. I tried to explain to him, that this is our home for now. When I heard his little voice and confusion, it made me very upset. I did try to explain to him before we moved what will happen. But shit he's 3!!!
It's like explaining to a dog before he goes to the vet to get his business removed.
After speaking with him about where our home is now, and we won't be going back where we came from, it made me very sad and homesick myself. I couldn't help but wonder if we made a mistake by coming here.
Chris and I both wanted to make a change in our lives, a fresh start with out people around us with so much drama and negativity. It's easy considering we only know Kyley and her husband.
Our second day here, we were all going out to breakfast, when I realized that I couldn't find my 12 year old Chihuahua. I frantically ran around the house and outside. I decided we should walk up the sidewalk and look for him. As we are calling out his name, to a dog who I believe is going deaf. A lady from across the street calls me over. She found him in her yard. She had already called Animal Control. So I had to get on the phone with Animal Control and promise them that I would get a chip put into my dog.
I enrolled Emilie in her new school, by the way seems much more different than any school in Marion County. This school is laid back, the kids are allowed to actually play on the playground. Emilie informed me after we moved that she hasn't played on the playground at her school since she was in the 1st grade. Sorry, that is just weird to me!! Also, she is allowed to bring snack into class. She is also allowed to erase her mistakes!!!!
I was curious to what they were teaching as far as math. From what I've seen from Em's homework, the 2 counties are basically in the same area. I was really worried that they would be ahead of her old school.

What I love about this area is, everything is so close. I could walk to Winn Dixie if I wanted to. I don't think I will ever want to walk there tho! (not much of a walker)
A movie theater, Carrabbas, so far I've seen like 3 Walmart's in a five mile radius.
Lastly, the inter coastal is only maybe 10 minutes away!!!!!
You can smell the salt in the air no matter where you go, there is always a nice breeze.
I can really see us staying here for a long time.
So, that is basically what happened in the last week.. nothing too dramatic.. THANK GOD!!
Thanks for reading