My Dirty Little Secret

Okay, you got me.. it's not really a dirty secret!  I love to read, I read every single day.  I usually read about 2 to 3 books a week.  I am always looking for something new to read, if you have any suggestions please feel free to share them with me.  But, 2 things you must know before you recommend any books.
First, I only read on a Kindle, I have to read before I go to sleep and I usually fall asleep in bed with my Kindle in my hand,  and I like to do it with the lights out.
Lastly, I'm a cheap ass bitch!  If I have to buy a book it can't cost any more than $5.  If there is a book you think I MUST read I will gladly accept a "loaned" book if it is possible.


  1. So thrilled that you enjoyed my book and added it to your blog. Thank you for reviewing.

    1. Thank you for commenting. Excited for the sequel!

  2. I noticed you visited my blog, singlewritermomrants some time ago and left a comment saying Meno Mom referred you. I just found it in my spam folder. Anyway, I'm glad I came over here to check you out. I just love a foul, witty mouth!

    I don't usually pimp myself out like this, but I wrote a romantic comedy called The Accidental Cougar. It's kinda fiesty like your sense of humor, and you may enjoy it. I would be willing to send it to you in return for a fair review. Of course, if you're not into the older woman/younger guy thing, I understand. You can email me at if you're interested.

  3. Good collection. I am a lover of paranormal romances and devour them whenever I get my hands on it :) I will certainly keep a look out for the ones you mentioned. I mostly read in my Kobo. Plus I do not really buy any books, most of them downloaded through my local library or sent to me by authors for reviewing :)

  4. Mom Rants and Comfy PantsApril 4, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    That is one thing I miss is reading. Some of these sound good and I'd totally take Tiffany Kay up on that cougar book. Especially if the younger dude were Kellan Lutz or Channing Tatum - holla!!

    1. Oh honey, I already read it. It was really good!!!..
      Don't get me started on Channing Tatum.. love, lust that man!!

  5. I love the loaner deal. If we loan, will you loan, too? I have a couple chick-lit fiction books that were cute. :)

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle

    1. Hi Gayle,
      I will absolutely loan, as long as it's enabled for that certain book. Not every book I have listed above is from my Kindle. Email me @ and we can discuss which books I could loan to you. :)

  6. Okay we need to talk for realz. We have read quite a few of the same books per your list. I've read 50 books this year and all but about 9 were before the blog started in March!!

    Recommendations since you liked Hopeless (I'm sooo excited for Losing Hope!):

    ~Wait for You by J. Lynn. I may or may not have read it 4 times!!!
    ~Flat Out Love by Jessica Park. So good!
    ~A Matter of Fate by Heather Lyons. Okay, she's my friend. Book 2 releases in June. Book 3 in the fall. I promise you'll like it if you let go and go with it.

    ~It's why you like me

    1. Oh and I have like 200+ on my Amazon if you want some quick summer reads!!


Lay it on me!