I'm so sick and tired of being pushed down and just staying there.

I figured out why I do it...
I don't like confrontation, adding fuel to the fire.
Well, screw that, everyone else around me has no problem with doing it.
So I'm wiping the shit off my head and if someone ends up stepping in it and slipping, OH WELL.. I'm not going to apologize for it.
Why is okay, for someone to act like an ass to me or my kids?
Then that same person a few minutes or hours later ask me what wrong?
I tell them what my "problem" is, and they say, oh you're still mad about that?

So, what do I do? I get over it. It really isn't that hard for me, I just put it out of my mind so I don't make anyone feel uncomfortable.

I try to be a good, loving, generous person. And this is how I'm paid back?
There are 2 important things in my life.. those are my kids!
You mess with them, talk like a asshat to them, you will now be pushed back right down where you belong.

Thanks for reading my rant for the day