My daughter will be 10 years old in January, double digits!! (sniff-sniff)
Anyway, the other day I walked into her room to make sure she was awake and getting ready for school.
I never knock when I go into my kids rooms, so I just barged right in to find my daughter half naked screaming at me to get out!!! She pulled her shirt that she was wearing over her bottom area while she screamed at me.
I quickly backed out of her room and closed the door. What the hell just happened?!? She has never screamed at me to get out of her room.
So, I do believe it may be time to have a little girl talk with my no so little girl.
I don't want to go into the whole sex talk business. I still think she may be too young for that.
I think I need to talk to her about what happens when a little girl grows up into a big girl and what changes will happen to her body.
I DO NOT want to make the same mistake as my mother did with me...
Let me take you back to age 14 (before I had sex) but after I started my period.
It was summertime and we were invited to go to a lake with my parents friends to have a cookout and swimming. When we arrived I discovered that I had started my period and I was very upset because I wanted to go swimming and I knew you couldn't swim with a pad on.
I walked head down to my mom and let her know that I started my period and I can't go swimming.
She went to the store and bought a box of tampons. Tampax tampons, you know the really old kind that only came with a cardboard applicator. My mom handed me the box and told me to go to the bathroom.
I looked at her like what the hell am I supposed to do with these. She said, "There are directions in the box" And she walked away.
I took the box and went into the nearest stall and unwrapped the package and studied the directions carefully. With very, very shaky hands I wasted the first 3 tampons because I thought I had popped my own cherry. I finally talked myself into trying it again, sweaty, shaky hands, cramped neck from looking down for so long I did it, and prayed to God I was still a virgin.
So here's my dilemma...
I want to be able to talk to my daughter about anything! I want her to feel comfortable enough for her to come to be for anything as well. My daughter knows me as the smart ass, funny Mom who finds funny in just about anything. And, she's a shy and quiet person who doesn't like to share her feelings.
I tried to talk to her about getting a training bra soon and she turned red and ran out of the underwear aisle from me.
Does anyone have any advice for me? I want to talk to her about hair and boobies and periods, and I would like to do it with out cracking up laughing or making her feel embarrassed about it.
Thanks for reading.